IQ and Standardized Tests – Myths and Facts

IQ and Standardized Tests – Myths and Facts


1:00 pm

Event Type

Public – Talk – Hosted by Adele Green

The point of this presentation is to communicate how language processing disorders are misunderstood, how they impact on learning and behavior (how they can be recognized in assessment – if time permits) and what strategies can be used to help these students function more effectively.

Program Description:  Dr. Green will begin with a description of the ‘normal curve’ and provide a simple understanding of ‘standard scores’.  IQ scores in normal people are not cast in stone, yet many are surprised that a child (or adolescent, etc.) with ‘high’ IQ subtest scores would struggle academically.  Thus, the point of this presentation is to debunk ‘myths’ about the IQ test by helping listeners be more able to interpret Wechsler IQ test results, including discrepancies between and within Index scores, the factors that raise or lower IQ scores and their relationship to school performance.

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